all postcodes in RM13 / RAINHAM

find any address or company within the RM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM13 8AA 0 51.526467 0.18506
RM13 8AB 0 51.525849 0.183906
RM13 8AD 0 51.528507 0.18611
RM13 8AH 0 51.52817 0.186367
RM13 8AJ 0 51.527199 0.183452
RM13 8AL 0 51.528211 0.184625
RM13 8AP 0 51.529774 0.186185
RM13 8AR 0 51.529439 0.18477
RM13 8AS 0 51.529746 0.183242
RM13 8AT 0 51.52837 0.183349
RM13 8AU 0 51.528341 0.183953
RM13 8AX 0 51.529094 0.181625
RM13 8BA 0 51.532608 0.18175
RM13 8BB 0 51.53183 0.183472
RM13 8BD 0 51.530571 0.184925
RM13 8BE 0 51.530365 0.184281
RM13 8BH 0 51.530752 0.182815
RM13 8BJ 0 51.531215 0.182173
RM13 8BL 0 51.531777 0.182445
RM13 8BP 0 51.525733 0.176649